Censored for tasting
Forbidden fruit over-ripened
On Internet trees
Banished from Eden's
Cyber-garden for a month's
Penitence from me
Microsoft's "Gates"gods
Forbade entry by proxy
Although I may knock
No door will open
I may not be entered in
Because of errors
Mortal sins explored
Against Microsoft's Command
May be forgiven
Erased, expunged sins
They will lift the proxy shield
Guarding Heaven's Gates
Reminding me not
To visit forbidden sites
Flesh-pots' access links
Do not look upon
Hedonistic fantasies
We control your kind
There's no privacy
On the Internet, take care
Big Brother's watching
His "cookie" machines
Track every crumb-byte anywhere
Encoding life-styles
Internet "nannies"
Chastity belt persuasion
Guard virginity
Prophylactic shields
Covering events untold
To participants
Computerized chips
Will legislate no sex found
No age of consent
Lists of words and verse
Banished breasts of AOL
A "Case" gone berserk
Citizens be alert
For self-proclaimed censors lurk
And spies are everywhere.